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What is the Difference Between HGH and Sermorelin?

HGH and Sermorelin

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and sermorelin are both prescribed to treat patients experiencing growth hormone deficiency, but they are not the same thing.

Human Growth Hormone and sermorelin are intimately related, and both can be used to treat men and women with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). This is why they are often discussed together, and also both are used to treat patients by doctors and clinics who specialize in hormone replacement therapies.

However, they are not the same thing.

Technically speaking, sermorelin could be considered a kind of “growth hormone therapy. However, sermorelin is not human growth hormone (HGH). In some cases, sermorelin therapy can be considered an alternative to HGH. In some patients, sermorelin is used in addition to HGH.

What Is HGH Acetate and How Is it Used?

"HGH acetate" is a bit of a misnomer. It is another way to refer to "sermorelin acetate." It may also sometimes be incorrectly described as "HGH Sermorelin acetate" or "sermorelin acetate HGH therapy." This all contributes to the confusion between human growth hormone (HGH) and sermorelin (sermorelin acetate).

What Is Sermorelin Acetate and How Is it Used?

Sermorelin Acetate

Sermorelin Acetate, or more commonly “sermorelin,” is a growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce and release HGH. Sermorelin Acetate mimics the effects of the naturally occurring GHRH produced by your body by telling your pituitary gland to produce more HGH.

For many years, growth hormone therapy was the only way to treat adults with GHD. In the late 1990s, Serono Laboratories developed sermorelin as a drug that mimics the action of the growth hormone-releasing agents produced by your body. As a releasing agent, sermorelin stimulates your pituitary gland to produce more of your own natural growth hormone. Generally speaking, sermorelin is less expensive and has fewer possible side effects than growth hormone therapy.

HGH and sermorelin therapy can both be used to treat adults with GHD. The main difference is in the way that they do so. HGH therapy increases your level of HGH by adding actual HGH made from human DNA directly into your body. Sermorelin, on the other hand, is not HGH, but when introduced, it triggers your body to make more HGH.

Sermorelin is biologically identical to the GHRH that is naturally produced by your body.

For many patients, sermorelin therapy can be a safe and effective alternative treatment for those suffering from age-related growth hormone deficiency.

Sermorelin Therapy vs. HGH Therapy

HGH is a hormone, the technical name for which is "somatotropin." Naturally occurring somatotropin is produced and secreted by the pituitary gland. Sermorelin, on the other hand, belongs to a group of bodily chemicals collectively known as secretagogues.

A secretagogue is so named because it stimulates the secretion of other chemicals or hormones. In the case of sermorelin, it belongs to the group of secretagogues, also known as growth-hormone-releasing hormones (GHRH) or growth hormone-releasing factors (GHRF).

Simply put, HGH is the vital hormone that influences the growth and repair of cells and tissues. Sermorelin stimulates the production and release of HGH.

As you age, the levels of HGH in your blood decline. This can lead to the symptoms of GHD, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle loss
  • Loss of bone density
  • Lack of energy
  • Mood swings
  • Sexual health issues

These symptoms of low levels of HGH can be treated with supplemental injections of HGH, or in some cases, the HGH levels in the blood can be returned to optimal levels by treatment with sermorelin injections.

While there are many products that make such claims, sermorelin is the only treatment currently available that has been clinically proven to increase your body’s ability to produce and release growth hormone. Like HGH, sermorelin is an FDA-approved drug and is only available with a doctor’s prescription.

HGH is a hormone; Sermorelin belongs to a group of chemicals that stimulate the secretion of hormones, in this case, HGH.

Are HGH and Sermorelin Ever Used Together?

HGH and Sermorelin

Sermorelin therapy and HGH therapy absolutely can be used together, and they often are. HGH injections can raise growth hormone levels relatively quickly. However, it is kind of an "artificial" boost, if you will. Your levels will increase, but HGH injections alone do nothing to "tell" your body to increase your natural output of HGH.

However, if you combine HGH therapy with sermorelin, not only are you getting the immediate boost in HGH in the blood, but you are also “retraining” your pituitary gland to produce and maintain a higher output of HGH.

Depending on your symptoms, growth hormone therapy alone or sermorelin therapy may be an effective treatment. However, studies have shown that there are patients who can benefit from a combined therapy of both used together.

Sermorelin therapy is most effective for patients whose HGH levels are only slightly below normal. In such individuals, sermorelin therapy alone may be all the body needs to produce enough HGH to bring your level back into the optimal range for your needs.

HGH therapy and sermorelin therapy can be used together. Your doctor may prescribe combination therapy for patients whose levels and symptoms cannot be treated by sermorelin alone. When used together, HGH injections are used to very quickly bring your HGH levels up. Sermorelin is used in combination to “train” your body to also produce more HGH on its own.

This two-pronged approach can give patients quicker and longer-lasting benefits of growth hormone therapy. But, only your doctor can determine if such combined therapy is right for you.

Can I Buy Sermorelin Injections Online?

No, you absolutely cannot buy sermorelin injections online. The only step in the process of buying sermorelin injections that you can do online is to fill out a medical history form like ours.

Do I Need a Prescription to Order Sermorelin?

Yes, you absolutely need to have a doctor’s prescription for sermorelin. Basically, there are 4-Steps to getting a prescription for sermorelin and then obtaining your sermorelin injections.

  • Step 1 – Medical History Form – This is the first and only step to getting a prescription for sermorelin that you can do online.
  • Step 2 – Doctor’s Exam – Once you have filled out your online medical history form, you will then need to see a doctor who can do the rest of the necessary intake, give you a thorough physical examination, and refer you to a lab for hormone testing.
  • Step 3 – Lab Work – Once you have had your initial consultation, you will have to have your blood tested at a reliable lab for your growth hormone levels and perhaps other "hormone panels" as recommended by your physician.
  • Step 4 – Obtain Your Prescription for Sermorelin –  If the results of your lab work coupled with your symptoms, physical exam, and medical history indicate that you are a good candidate for sermorelin therapy, you will be issued a prescription for sermorelin therapy.  You will be supplied with a sermorelin injection kit by your doctor with a dosage of sermorelin best suited to your age, weight, gender, and lifestyle.

Both HGH and Sermorelin can be used to treat growth hormone deficiencies. HGH and Sermorelin can be given together and often are.

Now that you know a little bit about the differences between HGH and sermorelin, why not contact us today and learn more about the safety and efficacy of hormone replacement therapy.

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