It takes time for testosterone shots to work, so you must have realistic expectations about how soon you will see results.
Prescription testosterone injections can provide remarkable results for men suffering from hypogonadism, the medical condition also known more simply as “low testosterone.” However, you must understand that testosterone is not like some comic-book super-serum that will turn you from a 98-pound weakling into Captain America overnight.
You can expect some life-changing benefits from testosterone shots, such as increased muscle strength, lean body mass, more energy, improved sex drive and better sexual performance. But you must understand those results are part of a cumulative treatment plan and the maximum benefits take time to accomplish.
Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is designed to make up for the male hormone that your body is failing to produce on its own. There can be any number of causes of low testosterone (low T) in men, but the most common cause is age-related hormone decline. Testosterone levels in men peak at around the age of 20; after that, they start a steady decline of about 2% a year. By the time you are over 40, that can represent a significant loss, and you can start to feel the symptoms of low T.
TRT is designed to make up for this loss. Testosterone shots deliver TRT directly into the bloodstream. Once administered, the medication is gradually absorbed by the body, mimicking the natural production of the hormone. This helps alleviate symptoms like fatigue, low libido, decreased muscle mass, and mood changes, improving overall well-being.
Usually, TRT is prescribed for a course of six months. The whole reason why TRT is given over a few months is that its effects are designed to be cumulative and take time to achieve. You usually start out at the lowest effective dose to address your symptoms, and then your dose will be increased over the course of your TRT program as we see how your body reacts to the medication.
You will not see overnight results from TRT but you WILL see results. The life-changing results of Testosterone shots will impact five major areas of your life:
Since TRT is prescribed on a very individualized basis, when you see these kinds of results will vary from patient to patient. However, most of our TRT patients start to see improvements in strength and energy in as little as two weeks of being on replacement therapy. Many patients notice emotional or mood changes earlier than major physical changes. In as little as 3 to 4 weeks men report fewer mood swings and less feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety. After five weeks, you can expect to experience significant improvements in libido (sex drive) and your ability to get and maintain an erection.
Here is a month-by-month breakdown of the results you could expect from testosterone therapy.
After about four to six weeks, you will experience significant increases in vitality and energy. You should also start to see the following effects of testosterone injections:
After completing two months of TRT your ability to focus and concentrate will be greatly improved. As you enter the second month, you will really start to notice a before and after look in your mirror. Belly fat will be significantly reduced, and you will appear more fit and toned. In addition, after two months of TRT, you could expect to see the following:
As you enter three to four months into treatment, in addition to continued improvements in strength, stamina, and sexual performance, you can expect the following additional benefits:
Once you are close to completing your first course of TRT, in months 5 and 6, you will start to experience all of the many positive benefits listed above of testosterone replacement therapy, a much more satisfying body composition and an overall improved quality of life.
In addition to "how long will it take to see results," another common question we get is "how can I make my results last?"
If you want to maximize your TRT results and make them last once you have completed your program or testosterone shots, here are five behavioral and lifestyle changes you can make that can help!
All testosterone injections for sale in the US can only be purchased if you have a prescription. Buying testosterone shots without a prescription is not only illegal, it could be very hazardous to your health. Severe side effects, even deaths, have occurred in people buying and using testosterone without a prescription and proper medical advice.
That being said, getting a prescription to buy testosterone injections from Kingsberg Medical is not hard. You only have to follow these five simple steps.
Take the first step to achieving the many benefits of testosterone shots by filling out our Medical History Form or our Contact Us form. Once you do, improved physical performance, increased energy, and better sexual performance may be just months away!