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What You Need to Know About Buying HGH Pens

What You Need to Know About Buying HGH Pens

Buying HGH Pens. What You Need to Know About It?

HGH pens are a safe and effective way to administer growth hormone injections.

Growth hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for children, men, and women who have been diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone deficiency or GHD is a critical illness requiring prescription HGH injections.

All forms of prescription HGH injections are the same drug known as somatropin. The various name brands of somatropin differ only in their relative dosages and delivery methods. Some use vials of HGH with traditional syringes, and others use HGH pens. HGH pens use a premeasured cartridge with your exact prescribed dose of HGH.

Growth hormone therapy devices like these pens can be an ideal way to prescribe growth hormone treatment.

What Are the Advantages of HGH Pens?

For many patients, HGH pens provide a more convenient and simple way to take their weekly growth hormone therapy. HGH pens are ideal for patients who are afraid of needles or are nervous about learning how to self-inject HGH. Your doctor will work with you to prescribe the best delivery method or HGH pen for you based on your lifestyle, personal preferences, budget, and wellness goals.

Several of the most well-known pharmaceutical companies produce growth hormone pens. Some of the most popular brand names are:

  • Norditropin made by Novo Nordisk
  • Saizen made by Merck
  • Humatrope made by Lilly
  • Omnitrope made by Sandoz
  • Genotropin GoQuick made by Pfizer

HGH pens are a safe, effective, and simple way to take growth hormone injections.

HGH pens are a safe

Any of these HGH pens can be a safe, effective, and simple way to take growth hormone injections.

Many of these pens have been designed to provide freedom from daily injections and are made for one-time weekly dosing. They are premixed, and reconstitution is not required. No batteries are needed. They are stable at room temperature, and some, like Norditropin FlexPro, have over 150 adjustable dosing increments

Are Growth Hormone Pens for Sale Online?

You can under some circumstances buy HGH pens legally online, however there are very strict guidelines that online sellers of HGH pens much adhere to. The best way to verify the legitimacy of any seller of HGH pens online is to make sure you are only purchasing from a site that is in compliance with all DEA guidelines for the prescription and sale of testosterone online. These guidelines include:

  • The patient being prescribed and purchasing HGH pens online must have a health condition requiring growth hormone therapy that has been diagnosed by a healthcare provider with whom there is a legitimate doctor/patient relationship.
  • After an initial consultation, a preliminary blood panel is required.
  • Documentation that the doctor and patient have discussed the risks and benefits of using HGH based on the patient’s lab values, medical history, and symptom profile.
  • The physician and pharmacy operating online must be based and licensed within the United States. Some states additionally require that the physician writing the prescription for testosterone be licensed in the same state that the patient is ordering from.

You cannot buy HGH pens online, or without a doctor’s prescription.

Despite these guidelines, that has not stopped many unscrupulous people from selling HGH illegally online. Any website that sells HGH pens and will permit you to buy one without a prescriptionan is breaking the law. Buying HGH from such websites is not only illegal, it can be dangerous. You must understand that any product that is being sold online, claiming to be HGH or contain HGH, cannot under FDA regulations contain any real HGH.

That means that, at best, you will be buying something that is not actually HGH, or worse yet, can be HGH that is from a black market or foreign source. Such sources use unregulated and low-quality ingredients in making the product. This low-quality HGH, which usually comes from China or India, has been known to contain:

  • Leftover bacterial residue from shoddy production practices
  • Toxic ingredients such as rat poison, talc, drywall, and other items
  • Dilution of the medication resulting in reduced efficacy
  • Expired HGH injections

Any website or “online pharmacy” or “HGH Clinic” that will allow you to buy growth hormone pens without following the above guidelines should be avoided. Please understand these guidelines are not put in place to keep you from getting a growth hormone pen or to make you pay more for it. They are there for your safety. HGH is a controlled substance for a reason. Powerful hormones such as those in HGH pens have been created to treat legitimate medical conditions; they should not be used lightly or without proper medical supervision. Abuse or misuse of HGH can result in serious complications, even sudden death!

How to Use Growth Hormone Pens

How to Use Growth Hormone Pens

The exact use of each of the name-brand pens will differ slightly. However, they are extremely popular because they are all quite simple to use, convenient, and easy to take along with you. Most pens can easily fit in a purse or pants pocket. Taking HGH using an injectable pen is straightforward. Your HGH pen will come with an insert including easy-to-follow instructions from the device’s manufacturer.

No matter the brand, all HGH pens are filled with the same medication as traditional HGH injections that come in vials to be used with regular syringes. All forms of HGH prescribed to treat growth hormone deficiencies are the exact same medication – a drug known as somatropin. Therefore, HGH pens have the same potential side effects as any other kind of HGH injection. However, since they come in premixed pre-measured dosages, the risk of taking an incorrect dose is lessened.

Somatropin is a synthetic form of the HGH normally produced by your pituitary gland. It is made from human DNA, so it is nearly an exact match to the HGH made by the human body. Therefore, HGH pens tend to have few, if any, side effects.

However, as with any medication, there have been some reported side effects. The most common side effects associated with HGH pens include the following:

  • Fluid retention
  • Abdominal pain
  • Knee pain
  • Joint pain
  • Injection site reactions
  • Trouble breathing
  • Skin rashes
  • Severe itching
  • Allergic reactions

Speak to your pharmacist or healthcare provider for a complete list of side effects for your particular HGH pen.

There has been some evidence of an increased risk of growth of some cancers if cancer was already present prior to treatment with HGH.

The risk of some severe side effects does exist with this medication. Tell your doctor or healthcare provider about any changes in vision, changes in moles, birthmarks, or the color of your skin, new or worsening high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), diabetes, or an increase in pressure in the skull (intracranial hypertension).

Before using any HGH pen tell your doctor about all medications you are taking including over the counter medicines and herbal supplements.

While this list of adverse effects may seem extensive, the majority of patients go through their course HGH injections with few if any side effects.

Benefits of HGH Pens

The prescription medicine in HGH pens provides a range of benefits for patients suffering from "adult-onset" or "age-related" GHD. HGH levels drop as you age, and this can lead to HGH deficiency. The benefits of HGH injections for adults with growth hormone deficiency include:

  • Weight Loss.
  • Increase in muscle mass and loss of fat.
  • Increased lean body mass.
  • Increased energy levels.
  • Lowered risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Increased bone density.
  • Joint pain relief.
  • Improved immune function.
  • Improved cognitive function.

General anti-aging benefits, such as improved skin health and hair health.

What Are the Different Types of HGH Pens for Sale in the US?

Here is comparison of efficacy and other relative features of the most common HGH pens prescribed by doctors in the US.


Norditropin is made by Novo Nordisk. You can buy Norditropin HGH pens as:

Norditropin FlexPro Pen in 5, 10, and 15 mg strengths with dosage increments of .025, .05, and .1 mg increments. NordiFlex Pen is a 30 mg prefilled pen for individuals requiring a higher dose of medication and must always remain refrigerated.


Genotropin is manufactured by Pfizer, one of the first pharmaceutical companies to manufacture prescription HGH. You can buy Genotropin HGH pens as:

Genotropin Pen 5 and 12 are injector pen units that utilize replacement cartridges. When one is empty, it is removed and discarded, and another cartridge is inserted into the pen unit. Genotropin Mixer is not precisely an HGH pen, but it is an alternative to the vial method of providing human growth hormones. The mixer unit attaches to the two-chamber cartridge for simple mixing and storage and is used with standard disposable syringes. Refrigeration is required. Genotropin Miniquick also may not exactly be an HGH pen, but it bears mentioning here as many people do opt for the convenience of this all-in-one, disposable, two-chamber cartridge syringe that is prefilled with human growth hormone powder and bacteriostatic solution.


Sandoz, a highly respected pharmaceutical company based in Australia, is the maker of Omnitrope. You can buy Omnitrope HGH pens as:

Omnitrope Pen 5 and 10 come with ready to use premixed liquid replaceable cartridges that are ready for insertion into the pen device. The Pen 5 has dosing increments of .05 mg, and the Pen 10 is subsequently 0.1 mg. Continual refrigeration is necessary.


EMD Serono is the manufacturer of Saizen. You can buy Saizen HGH pens in one of two ways:

Saizen cool.click2 is an injector pen that does not use needles. A spring mechanism pushes the medication through the skin. Mixing is easily accomplished via the handy connectors. Saizen in all forms must be stored in the refrigerator. Saizen easypod does not look like an injector pen but instead resembles a cell phone. Click.easy cartridges are mixed in a separate click.easy device then inserted into the easypod for use, and since the dosage has already been preset, no dialing is required.


Humatrope is the brand of HGH made by Eli Lilly. You can buy Humatrope HGH pens as:

HumatroPen is available in the following strengths – 6, 12, and 24 mg. Dosing increments are .025, .05, and .10 mg respectively. Replaceable refrigerated cartridges require reconstitution before being inserted into the easy to use pen unit.

What Is the Best HGH Pen for Growth Hormone Therapy?

Best HGH Pen for Growth Hormone Therapy

There really is no single HGH pen that is “better” than the other. They are all prescribed for the same medical purposes. They differ mainly in their doses, how they need to be stored, the cost for a one-month supply, and how exactly the pen is loaded and used. Your doctor will prescribe the best HGH pen for you based on your medical history, your symptoms, your necessary dosage, and your unique lifestyle.

The injection process may vary somewhat from pen to pen. Check your product’s insert for complete instructions for use or the manufacturer’s website for in-depth tutorial instructions.

No matter what injectable HGH pen you are prescribed, know that HGH therapy is the safest and most effective way to treat growth hormone deficiency.

There are many different types and brands of HGH pens. Your doctor will recommend the best one for you.

Now that you know a little bit more about buying HGH pens, why not contact us today and learn more about the many life-changing benefits of growth hormone therapy.

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